Saturday, August 1, 2015

"Andy Stanley's Dishonest, Deceptive, and Dangerous Teaching" by Phillip Lee

No big deal here, just an extremely influential "pastor of pastors" re-writing Christianity...
24 Emmaus Road: Andy Stanley's Dishonest, Deceptive, and Dangerous Teaching

Another article about Andy Stanley (with links to Fighting for the Faith on this topic):

And this is a short video about how incredibly inaccurate Stanley is when describing the Bible:

1 comment:

  1. I listened to Mr. Stanley's sermon at ( love his advice about expectations as found in the love chapter of 1st Corinthians 13 that we choose how we will react when our expectations are not met - will I believe the worst or the best - will I demonstrate love. I find nothing helpful in your criticism of Andy Stanley. And by the way, the "Temple Model" Andy speaks of simply represents the Judaizers that are religious and devout and follow a checklist of do's and don'ts paying close attention to rules because they will not relinquish control of their actions.
